My Daddy...The Rock Star!
Most of you here know Daddy, Thomas Petty. Maybe you called him Tom or Tommy, Mr. Tom, or Mr. Petty. You may have known him as your mechanic, your school bus driver, the cart guy at Saubel's, or he sold you auto parts. Maybe you attended church with him. Maybe you camped with him, or knew him from the fire company. However you knew him, you know he was kind, fair, strong and honest. If you'll indulge me, I would love to tell you in more detail who this man was! We called him Daddy, Pop-Pop, and Poppy. He was the patriarch of our family! And he instilled in every single one of us, the importance of God and Country. A life of service. In our family we have police officers, retired and active. We have firefighters, nurses, and other first responders. We have a pastor. We have military. That is no coincidence! Patriotism, love of country, love for our Lord. That's what our patriarch believed in. He instilled all of that into us on a daily basis. He did so without force. He inst...