My Parents....A 70 Year Love Story

A couple of Sundays ago, we held a party for my parents who recently celebrated 70 years of marriage. SEVENTY years....let that sink in for a minute. Here's their story. Enjoy! Seventy years ago, two “kids” fell in love and were married, after meeting at an after church gathering. As the story of the wedding day goes, the Preacher had to be called in from the field where he had been working, to perform the ceremony. Now some of us wouldn ’t want the one officiating at our wedding to be wearing his dirty overalls while marrying us. But these two crazy 18 year olds didn ’t mind. They were in love and that ’s all that mattered! I ’m sure they had their dreams, their visions of what their life would be like. I ’m also sure they differed greatly from what brides and grooms of today might be dreaming of. The world 70 years ago was a vastly different place. It was the era of the Cold War. Truman was Presiden...