In A Perfect World...on Social Media Anyway!

In a perfect world, we grow up, get married to our best friend, have a good career, beautiful children, healthy family, and then move into the time of our life where we have the most awesome grandchildren ever, a good plan for retirement, and are enjoying the fruits of our labor. But what if you don't live in that perfect world? And really, who does? What if you have had some setbacks along that road. What if you aren't looking at retirement with great anticipation because your good plan wasn't so great, and you won't have what you need to live comfortably? What if there are health issues plaguing your family? What if that marriage didn't evolve as it was supposed to? Recently, it has hit me that I have a lot of friends who are not living in the perfect world. No matter what we may see on social media, sometimes there are problems in people's perfect worlds. And I don't think we would be surprised if we knew how imperfect most people's lives...