But I Don't Feel Any Older....

Age has never bothered me...well...there was that one year I thought I was going to just die. The year I turned 30 I seriously thought life was over. I got severely depressed. But I got over it. And since then I really don't worry about the number that is my age. I think about what I've accomplished, what I have yet to accomplish, my bucket list, and how I feel inside. Because that's what really matters. So when the birthday rolled around two weeks ago, it was no big deal that I was a year older. But I get the feeling that people think I SHOULD feel older, SHOULD hate getting older, and SHOULD be depressed. Here's my take on this: I am the same person inside that I have always been. Yes, the hair is gray, and there are some significant wrinkles, but other than that, I'm pretty much the same. Same weird sense of humor, and same crazy thoughts rolling around under the surface, fighting to get out! I am me. Tha...