2023 Gratefulness
New Year's Resolutions...do you make them? Do you keep them? I stopped making them a few years ago. I started making New Year's Intentions. The difference? Not much. The definitions are similar. But I like to think of it as a plan, a goal, not a promise. Regardless, last year I decided I needed to be more grateful in 2023. So I made that my intention. I have a pouch (as shown in the picture) that says Grateful on it. I cut up small slips of paper and dated them, starting on January 1st. The beginning of the year was pretty easy. Family, friends, workout buddies, my car, a job that creates a paycheck, etc., etc. So when I ran out of the obvious, I would try to find something that happened that day that I was grateful for. I soon realized that I had to dig really deep some days to find something. Some days I honestly would write "my car started", or "I have a job", or "I have a warm dry house to sleep in"...