I've always loved to write, so starting a blog has been on my "to-do" list for a long time now.  Considering I work an average of 60 hours per week, there just isn't a lot of time to do this, but I feel it will be rewarding and relaxing to write, so here goes.  Just remember, I'm new at this!  Be patient with me!

A little bit about me.  I am 55 years young, so as I like to say, I'm middle aged.  I plan to live to about 110, so that sounds about right!  My parents are both still going strong at 83, and my grandparents all lived long healthy lives, so why not me, right? 

I am married to a fabulous, good looking, hard working man, and did I mention that he is fabulous?  This man brings me coffee in bed EVERY morning!!  My dinner is on the table every night when I arrive home from work!  And besides spoiling me, Troy owns his own business, runs it extremely well in a poor economy,  maintains our home and grounds, looks out for his Mom, and is a wonderful Pop to our five grandchildren.

Troy and I have been married for 36 years, and if you do the math, you will figure out that we married when I was 18.  More on the whirlwind courtship and marriage in another post!  We have two grown sons, Ryan and Jeremy, and five grandchildren, Dalton, Lane, Emily, Brandon, and Taylor.  My grandchildren call me Crazy Mimi, hence the blog name.  I feel that being a Crazy Mimi is my biggest, most important job, and in another post I will share how I got that name!

I have worked for 23 years for an Orthodontist, and about 20 months ago, I started working at Pier 1 as a temporary holiday associate.  I was asked to stay on as a permanent Sales Associate after the holiday season, and two months ago I was promoted to Sales Leader.  I absolutely love my job at Pier 1!  I also enjoy my job with the Orthodontist.  I work as a Treatment Coordinator and Professional Relations Coordinator.  But I think retail is where my heart is!  I am so energized when I am working there! 

So my next post will hopefully be more entertaining, as this is just some background info on me and my family. 


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