Family Christmas Traditions....what would our holiday be without them?

For me, without traditions, Christmas would lose so much of the joy I associate with it.  Part of my family tradition has always included the church Christmas program.  I can honestly say that I can't remember a Christmas without it!  And this year that tradition continues with singing the wonderful carols of the season, poems and stories of the Christ child, and this year, stories of traditions that our church families practice each year.

As a child growing up, our family woke up early....mostly because I was so excited that I couldn't sleep....came down the steps with great anticipation, and saw our gifts, left unwrapped and displayed beautifully on each child's special area of the room.  Those memories are just the best!  Seeing everything displayed that way, taking everything in with one glance. We were awe-struck.  I can still see it and that was a LONG time ago!!  And I can't help but think, when the shepherds came to the stable and saw the Christ child laying in the manger, the joy they felt at the first sight, I'm sure that was a memory they held forever. That was the greatest gift ever!

A tradition that Troy and I had with our boys as they were growing up was stopping for that special minute before they were allowed to burst into the living room to get their gifts, and reflect on the real reason for the day, Jesus' birth.

And now that we have grandchildren, wonderful new traditions have begun. Too many to recite here, so just know that each and every one is special to our family!

And since the theme of this year's church program is family, the one most important thing I have learned in the years since our boys have grown up is that holidays and special occasions should be celebrated when your family is together, not just on December 25th or any other "set" date.  We've had Christmas in January, a September birthday in July, and other such occurrences.  With the military and sons who don't work 9-5 jobs, these are necessary!  Just remember, when your family is together, it SHOULD be a celebration!  If not a holiday or birthday celebration, call it a family celebration!  Just celebrate your wonderful family!


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