
As most of you know, I'm a Techie....LOVE technology!   I spend most waking hours of my life on some sort of "device ", be it my phone, tablet,  laptop, or one of my work computers in my office.  I handle the marketing for an Orthodontic practice,  which includes our Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter accounts.
Almost all of my Thirty-One parties are on Facebook and I am in multiple Facebook groups for my Thirty-One business.
So when I planned our annual trek to the lake, I thought about becoming unplugged for the week, and thought "no parties going on that week, so no big deal."
Well.....let me tell you how this went down.....
Sunday when we arrived,  I couldn't get connected to the WiFi in the house, so instead of unpacking my frozen food which was starting to thaw, I instead searched the "Guest Book" frantically until I noticed that there was a new router and password.   Then the password wouldn't work.  O M G!!  I seriously started to panic.  This was my first clue that I have a serious problem!
With the password finally secured on ALL THREE of the devices I brought with me,  I  unpacked, changed into my swimsuit and headed to the dock.  Now, there's no WiFi on the dock, so I turn on my mobile data.  There's NO SIGNAL!  Okay, I think, as that panicky feeling starts to creep back in. I  don't need to be connected...no problem...I can do this!
I then take a picture to send to my cousin who will be joining us in a few days, and it won't send because there's no signal.  What???  How am I going to survive a week???
By Monday at noon, I've relaxed a tiny little bit.   Then we are invited to a neighboring house for cocktail hour with a couple that we have become very good friends with over the years.  They have recently lost a daughter and it has devastated them.  My technology addiction suddenly seems so silly. We have a lovely evening with them, talking about their travels, (he is a former NCIS agent), and politics,  and just everything.
This morning I feel refreshed.   I think I'm kicking this need to be plugged in thing in the butt!  Life is so short and so precious!  Why should I need to be doing anything but enjoying this beautiful lake that I am sitting on, hearing the lapping of the water as it comes into our cove?  What about that view?  My grandchildren will arrive in an hour or so.  Will I post pictures to Facebook?   Yes indeed. You bet I will!  Will I stress over no signal on the dock?  I  don't think so.  I'm at the lake, my family is all well, and I'm on vacation.  I  don't want to waste another minute!


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