Yoga - Where Have You Been All My Life?

Almost a year ago, I got up the nerve to try yoga at a local studio. This was one of the items on my 60 before 60 list. It was something I had always wanted to do, but never had the nerve! I was absolutely terrified! Yoga was something that other people did...people in big cities...chic people...YOUNG people! But trying to get myself to a healthier place in my life, I put my sweats on, drove the 10 minutes, paid my money, and went inside on trembling legs. Could I really do this? What if I made a fool of myself? What if I couldn't do it at all? What if I'm too old, too fat, too anything? Well, I survived! And 45 minutes into the one hour session, lying on a mat borrowed from the studio, my wonderful instructor telling us to start relaxing from the top of the head and slowly go down every inch of our body, I was struck by the most incredible revelation.... Why had I wasted 59 years of my life NOT doing yoga? Why? ...