Mother-Son Bonding....The Boothe Way!

Being a Boy Mom has always been a great joy to me.  I wanted boys.  I got boys.  I am thrilled to be a boy mom!  I have always had a great relationship with my boys, and even though they are now 38 and 40, I still love the bonding moments!  And those bonding moments are vastly different for each Son.

Ryan, my oldest Son, and I have always bonded with our faith, and with our love of Nascar.  We attend two Nascar races every year together, enjoying the tailgating, that beautiful smell of burning rubber and the rumbling sound of the engines.  We enjoy the banter all season since we support different drivers.  Sundays can be interesting, texting back and forth, while watching races in our respective homes.  With our faith, we enjoy the same Sunday services, me in person, and Ryan watching online.  We compare thoughts and exchange prayer requests.

Jeremy, my youngest Son, and I have not always had a lot in common.  He is, after all, a police officer, ex military, and a fitness beast.  In my past, I have never known anything about any of those things.  However..... A year ago, when I started my journey to get fit, Jeremy jumped in and became my nutritionist, my trainer, my cheerleader.  He is amazing.  In October, I ran my first 5K, and Jeremy was by my side when I crossed that finish line.  I cannot tell you how much that meant to me!  And today, we took that bonding to a new level.  Today, Jeremy and I attended Boot Camp class at Power Train together.  Never in my life did I ever think  I would be in that place!  Last week I met with a trainer, and today took a huge leap of faith and tried these brutal classes.  I was seriously worried about it because I had a two day stomach bug this week, just finally feeling better Friday.  I was worried about my stamina.  But Friday Jeremy told me what and how to eat to get some strength back, and I followed his advice.  I was so afraid of embarrassing myself and Jeremy.  This is where Jeremy works out every single day.  These are his trainers.  This is his gym.  And you know what?  I did it!  I freaking did it!  I crushed it!  I did every single thing for every single second I was supposed to do it!  And when class was over, Jeremy convinced me to stay for a "bonus" 15 minute core workout and I did.  I'm not sure how I will feel tomorrow, but I hope I'm sore.  If I am, that means I worked my body hard, and I will feel like I accomplished what I wanted to. 

So, back to bonding.  That's how us Boothes bond.  Mother-Son bonding at it's Power Boot Camp Class. 💪 Or at a Nascar race...loud and patriotic.  🚗  
And I wouldn't have it any other way!


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