My Ah-ha Moment

This blog post should come as no surprise to anyone who follows my social media pages. I'm pretty transparent. I post about my Punkins, I post about my workouts, and yes, I post about my achievements. Now, I don't post all these things to brag. I post these things because, well, it's my life. My Punkins are my greatest achievement. I mean, I DID have their fathers which led to them being born, so Yes, I'm taking some credit! I post about my workouts because, well, that's what I do every day. And I post about my achievements because, quite honestly, sometimes I need to put these things on paper (ok, computer) to believe them myself. So after yesterday's 10 Miler, I had some time in the afternoon to sit and think while I was stretching, doing some yoga poses, and using my foam roller to work out some stiff, sore spots. I got to thinking back over the past 18 months that led me to that event. 18 short months ago, I was a couch p...