My Happy Place

Well folks, another year has gone by, and vacation time is here.   Now for those of you who know me well, you know that I have two Happy Places....A Nascar race track, and Lake Anna!  So as I've packed for my Lake happy place,  I've been reminiscing about past lake trips, and trying to plan some new fun things for this year.

We have a first for this year, also. Jeremy will be bringing his fiancee who has not met Ryan or his children.  So this will be a celebration of sorts, as we welcome Angie officially into our family!  And if she doesn't run screaming after she sees our craziness,  we know she's in for the long haul!

Dalton's girlfriend Shelbie's family will be joining us one night for dinner, also.  This is Shelbie's third year with us at the lake, and we love her so much she is considered another Punkin !  We feel it's only right to invite her family! 

We have a much bigger house this year, with all kinds of "toys" such as kayaks (yay!!), canoe, stand up paddle boards, and a peddle boat.  I'm very excited about the kayaks, but you know what else I'm excited about?  TWO refrigerators!  Yes!  With 13 people to feed, that's pretty awesome!  We have a fully loaded game room this year, also.  I know the kids are super excited about that!

So with more people to feed, and more bedrooms needing sheets, etc., I looked at my pile of totes packed and stacked in my foyer this morning,  and thought "no way that's all fitting in my car!"  However,  when a very determined woman sets out to do something,  she's gonna get it done.  And I did!  Now granted, Troy has one strip to look out the back, and that's all, but it's all in this car, and we're on our way!

I have no dreams of sleeping in, lounging leisurely, or even picking up a book.  Nope!  Didn't even bring a book!  I will be up early every day kayaking with the sunrise, playing in the water with the Punkins, and going till I drop.  And training for my 10 miler isn't taking a vacay either!  Angie and I will be doing at least one long run while she is here (she and Jer can't stay all week), and I will be doing my normal running all week. I did bring my yoga mat, so hoping for a nice peaceful yoga session once or twice this week on the deck overlooking the water!

So to wrap this up, I will apologize in advance for blowing up your newsfeed this week.  I just can't help myself! With my whole family together and a beautiful lake as a backdrop,'s gonna happen people!


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