What If God Gave Us Notifications on our Phones?

This morning 6AM:
I'm brushing my teeth with one hand, and curling my eyelashes with the other.  Don't judge.  I multitask.  Anyhoo...I notice my phone notification light blinking.  But I have no available hands to check it.  After a brief moment of - let's call it uncertainty because it wasn't urgent enough to call it panic - I checked my Samsung watch to see if it was there.  My phone wakes up with movement, so no hands needed!  I only get certain notifications on my watch.  I can get all notifications on it, I just choose to only get text messages and missed phone calls, etc.  I am proud to say that I have all social media notifications turned off for my watch. 

So, back to my moment of uncertainty.  I decided it could wait the two minutes it takes for my toothbrush to turn off.  The notification turned out to be nothing but my fitness app telling me what today's goals were.  Shew!  Nothing urgent!  But this got me thinking about what IS and what is NOT urgent when it comes to notifications, and what seeing that light blinking does to me!

Am I so tuned in to my emails, social medias, and other apps that I can't wait until I have a few minutes to go through my phone, check my emails, check my social media accounts, etc?  Let's start with social media.  I admit I am on Facebook a LOT!  I have my personal account, the office account for which I am responsible, Troy's business account, my Thirty-One Business Group Page, and any  Party Group Pages for active parties for my business.  I do receive notifications for Facebook simply because I need to know if someone asks me a question, etc. in any of my parties or on any of the business pages.  It IS business.  But along with those notifications come the regular notifications from my personal page as well.  I choose not to receive notifications for my Instagram and Twitter accounts.  

This all got me thinking....aren't there more important things to be concerned with?  That little blinking light is so distracting.  Also, what IS important to be notified about?  Well, I think it's important to receive my business notifications.  That's how I pay my bills.  But what else would I like to be notified about?  I kind of wish God would send notifications to my phone.  Maybe something like "Hey Linda, check out that rainbow!  You know what that means, right?", or "Did you thank me for answering that prayer yet?", or maybe "Remember all those Facebook posts you said you would pray for?  Have you done that yet today?".  Now maybe it's just me, but life is super busy.  I rarely have a minute to sit down.  So notifications like this would be good!  And maybe you think I'm not being a very good Christian if I need this, but at least I'm thinking about it!  And yes, I do pray without being reminded, so it's not like I totally forget!  I could just be better at it is what I'm saying!  And I just think notifications on my phone could be more important than just for social media or email.  What about when you are in line at Chick Fil A?  Your phone lights up with a subtle "Do a good deed and pay for the person behind you" notification!  I like that one.  I realize God speaks to us in various ways, and maybe I'm just a bit too techie, but I like this idea!  And while I know I need to listen for that small, still voice, I still wish I got notifications from Him, and every time I saw that light blinking, I would know something pretty cool was happening, or at least being suggested to me instead of stressing about what it might be!


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