A Life Well Lived

Today, this world lost a great man.  My Mom lost a beloved brother.  Today, I lost an Uncle whom I loved dearly.  Today, I also lost the Pastor I grew up with, the Pastor that baptized me, and the Pastor that married me.  Today, the world truly lost a wonderful, Godly man.  When I think of Uncle Fred, I think about my conversation with my Son when we discussed his end being near.  We discussed his life as being the absolute definition of "A Life Well Lived".  That got me thinking, and I found this when I googled the phrase:

"A life well lived cannot be measured by salary, or title, or job satisfaction. Nor can it be measured by accolades, or friendships, or tasks accomplished. A life well lived cannot be measured in likes, or tags, or retweets.
A life well lived is measured by love, by sacrifice, by joy. A life well lived is measured by intention, by action, by motivation. A life well lived is measured by how many times you smiled when it would have been easier to glare, by how often you washed dishes you didn’t dirty, by how often you gave without reservation."
As the Pastor of a small rural Baptist church, Uncle Fred didn't have a salary from the church.  And I know there were plenty of sacrifices as he spent many, many hours visiting the sick and homebound.  He was always busy with weddings, funerals, and visitations.  All while raising a family.  But the joy part of that phrase fits as well.  I have seen him overjoyed when someone found their way to God, and was baptized.  And there was always love to spare.  Love was evident in everything he did.
He served as Pastor because he was called to preach, and preach he did!  I don't ever remember a Sunday as a little girl when he wasn't up there reading God's word, praising Him, singing, praying, and providing us with an example of how to live right. He set that example by living the way he wanted us all to live.  As I grew up, and was baptized into the church, he was supportive, loving, and still showing us all how to live right.  I got married in that church, and yes, you guessed it...Uncle Fred married me and Troy.  I still remember the giggling at the rehearsal when I said I really didn't want to say the "obey" part in my vows, but Uncle Fred was old school, and he made me say it.  I jokingly tell everyone that I had my fingers crossed when I said that!
And then there was the family side of memories.  Christmases at "MawMaw and PawPaw's" house.  Such incredible memories.  And the Fourth of July at their house, also.  So much fun!  Always smiling, always welcoming any new family members, always saying Grace before our meals.  
Everyone who knew Uncle Fred loved him.  Everyone!  He had such a loving spirit about him, and we all know where that came from.  He was kind, fair, and loving to everyone he met.
Uncle Fred, you will be greatly missed by so many people.  And this niece of yours will certainly miss your smiling face!  I will miss your hugs.  I will miss you.  Rest easy till we meet again.
You ARE the definition of A Life Well Lived.


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