2019 I see you....

Every year, as the New Year approaches, I, along with most other people, reflect on the past year.  What was good?  What wasn't so good?  What could I have changed, and what did I have no control over?  All good questions.  I think it's normal to have regrets, too, and as long as you go about it with a positive attitude, I think it's ok.

So, in my reflections, I've been thinking about the "biggies" from 2018.  I hit my goal weight, I ran a 10 mile race, I attended the Daytona 500 for the first time, and I made a decision about retirement.  (Not retiring for another 5 years, but the plan is now in place.)  These were all huge for me.  And good....very good.

The not so good, we don't need to discuss in detail.  But one of the biggies is to see my Son struggle with certain aspects of his life.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel, however, and we are praying it's not an oncoming train as has been the issue in the past.  This has been a long, hard few years for him, but his faith remains stronger than ever, and I'm really trying to increase mine.  It just seems so unfair the way life has been for him.  He's such a good person, but I know that really has nothing to do with it.  Declining health of my and Troy's parents are to be expected as they reach those later years, but it's so hard to see.  And of course, I lost my Pastor for my entire life who happened to be my Uncle as well.  That was hard.  And to be very honest, my ever changing "self", and just life itself, has led to some issues with my marriage.  Don't worry, it will all work out, and is working out, but like everyone else, we have gone through some pretty rough times.  I won't try to sugar coat it, or go into detail.  It is personal, and we will keep it as such.

And now on to New Year's Resolutions.  I had four last year.  I just spent some time reading my blog post from December 31, 2017.  It spells out my four New Year's Resolutions for 2018.  I successfully achieved three of the four.  The fourth I am still working on.  So here they are:

1. Achieve my goal weight --- achieved!  (And maintained!)
2. Continue my healthy lifestyle --- achieved!  (Still doing that!)
3. No phone at the dinner table --- achieved...mostly!  (There are times when we, as a couple, check out things on my phone together while having our meal.)
4. Reconnect with my husband --- not quite all the way, sorta, not really....ok, need to continue working on this one

So now that I've reflected on the past year, I'm so incredibly ready to dive into 2019!  I KNOW it's going to be a fabulous year!  I will be gaining a "daughter" in 2019!  Angie and Jeremy will be married in May, and we could not be any happier!  They are so great together, and Jeremy is happier than he's been in a long while, so we are looking forward to all the festivities of the wedding!

I will continue my healthy lifestyle, continuing to run, workout, and eat for the benefit of my body, and not to sabotage it!  My goal for 2019 is to do at least one 10k, one 10 miler, and possibly a half marathon.  I've got some lingering foot issues from my stress fracture, so I'm taking it slow and easy, but I would love to get all of those accomplished in 2019. 

So New Year's Resolutions for 2019?  Here you go:

1. Train for a Half Marathon (If I get to run one, that's a bonus, but I at least want to train for one), Run a 10K and Run a 10 Miler.

2. Put serious effort into my marriage.  I'm not ready to throw in the towel.  There's too much love left there for that to happen.  So I will continue that 2018 resolution!

3. Since I have a retirement date, I have to do some serious financial belt tightening!  So that has to be one of my resolutions.  I need to be much stricter with myself and my budget!  (Just say no to those new running shoes....)

4. Kayak more!  I know, I know.  How can that be a resolution?!  Well, I want it to be one, so there!  I want to kayak more.  It's a stress reliever, and good exercise.  I just need to line up kayaking buddies....and buy a kayak...ut oh! Need to refer back to Resolution #3!  
4a.Basically, #4 should say "Do more of what makes me happy"!  So, kayaking more, or hiking, or packing a picnic and going to hear music, whatever works, works!

5. Lean more on my faith, not my fear and worry.  This is hard for me.  This is VERY hard for me!  Pray for me!

So there you go!  My 2019 resolutions.  I'm putting them out there for everyone to see, because when we do that, we make ourselves more accountable.  It's harder to just ignore them when people say to you, "So how's it going with your training?", etc.  Also, I'm pretty much an open book when it comes to things, so I don't mind putting them out there!  Life is tough enough, so if we can be there for each other, support each other, and be open and honest, I think life gets a little more bearable at times!

In summary...
Every morning you have a choice:
Continue to sleep with your dreams,
Or wake up and chase them.
I choose chasing them.  What about you?


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