My Favorite Punkin

While at the lake on our annual family vacation, I was asked who my favorite Punkin is.   Well folks, I have six Punkins.  They are all so vastly different and so very much loved that I told them I don't have a favorite.   However,  I really do....

Dalton is my oldest and first born grandchild.   I have albums full of pictures of him.  He was my only pride and joy for the first 15 months of his life.  He has a wicked sense of humor,  gorgeous long ringlets, is a mountain of a man, and is totally my favorite...Firstborn Punkin!

Lane was born 15 months after Dalton.  Lane didn't talk for a long time.  He and Dalton had their own language for a while.  We couldn't understand them, so Dalton would translate.   Lane is so musically talented you can't believe it.  He's also very passionate about anything he believes in, and is very often misunderstood or overlooked in our family because he doesn't make waves.  Don't tell the others, but he's definitely my favorite...Strong and Silent Punkin.

Emily came along 15 years ago, totally rocking this boy world I had lived in as a Mom and Mimi.  She was tiny, she wore pink, and she was so quiet you could actually forget she was in the room.  She's a teenager now, and has become such a talented singer, and quite a helper to her Mom and Dad with the littlest Punkin.   That's why she's my favorite...Firstborn Granddaughter.

Brandon was born on Flag Day and the Army's birthday.   Quite fitting for the son of military parents.  Brandon is hilarious,  loving his role in the family as comedian and roaster.  He's also extremely smart and we can either ask Google or ask Brandon.  He's never happier than when he has an audience!  So he's definitely my favorite...Funny Punkin.

Taylor arrived as a chunky, feisty baby.  She's grown out of the chunky phase, but at 11, she's got enough feistiness for all of us.  And that's not a bad thing!  She knows what she wants, and goes after it!  And to compliment that, she is also sensitive and so very caring and loving. That makes her my favorite...Compassionate Punkin.

Callen rounds out this bunch of hoodlums by being adorable, playful, and happy.  At six he's spunky and knows what he wants!  He's a fish in the water and if his siblings do it, he'll figure out how to do it, too!  He can kayak like a pro, fish alongside the adults, and swim like nobody's business.   So he is actually my favorite...Baby Punkin.

Oh my, I guess I have to now reveal my actual favorite...

Seriously?  You thought I had a favorite?  Go back and reread what I just wrote about my Punkins!  HOW could there be a favorite?  They are all six incredibly special to me in different ways.   They are all a piece in a six piece puzzle that has become the joy of my life.  Without all six pieces, there wouldn't be a complete puzzle.  And if one piece was better than the other five, well, it just wouldn't work. 

Therefore, no big surprise really, but my favorite is ALL of them, in their own unique, very special ways!

So I have to add to this.  I actually wrote this at the lake, finished it, and had Emily read it one night at dinner.  They were so funny when she read the part that says I am revealing who my actual favorite is.  There was even a drumroll.  These kiddos make me laugh, make me proud, and make me happy.  I love being a Crazy Mimi!


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