Unicorn Tears & A Headstone For Fat Tony

Catchy title, right? I've been meaning to write this blog post for a while now, but life seems to get in the way all the time! So finally, I'm getting to it! When Ryan and the VA Punkins, and my great punkin, were here for the holidays, Jeremy and Angie brought Brandon over so he could hang out with his cousins for the night. While this large group of knuckleheads were all standing in my kitchen, they decided to give Mimi something to laugh about after they were gone home. Now this group is quite diverse in their likes, dislikes, areas they live in, and even shows they watch and books they read. But as diverse as they are, they ALL have one thing in common...their sense of humor. This Boothe family has such a crazy sense of humor you can't believe it. So here's what transpired in my kitchen that day.... But first, a little background. I use "Alexa" for everything. I do mean everything. I have an Echo Dot in almost every ...