Unicorn Tears & A Headstone For Fat Tony

Catchy title, right? 

I've been meaning to write this blog post for a while now, but life seems to get in the way all the time!  So finally, I'm getting to it! 

When Ryan and the VA Punkins, and my great punkin, were here for the holidays, Jeremy and Angie brought Brandon over so he could hang out with his cousins for the night.  While this large group of knuckleheads were all standing in my kitchen, they decided to give Mimi something to laugh about after they were gone home.  Now this group is quite diverse in their likes, dislikes, areas they live in, and even shows they watch and books they read.  But as diverse as they are, they ALL have one thing in common...their sense of humor.  This Boothe family has such a crazy sense of humor you can't believe it.  So here's what transpired in my kitchen that day....

But first, a little background.
I use "Alexa" for everything.  I do mean everything.  I have an Echo Dot in almost every room so I can stream my music throughout the house, add things to my shopping list, or ask for info on something in pretty much any room at any time.  For Christmas I got the Echo Show which is the 8" screen and speaker.  I absolutely love it, and use it for recipes, and to watch movies/TV shows or listen to podcasts while I'm doing meal prep or other things in the kitchen.  Troy uses Alexa mostly for shopping lists and to get recipes or listen to music.  We also have smart plugs, smart bulbs, etc., and ask her to turn on/off lights, and follow certain routines we have set up.  For instance, when I'm ready to leave in the morning, I say "Alexa, I'm leaving".  She says "Don't forget to check the heat!  Then she says "Have a good day" (or other various goodbye phrases).  At this time she also turns out all but two lights.  Then in 90 seconds, the time it takes me to get out the door and to my car, she turns off the remaining two lights.  When we arrive home, I say Alexa, I'm home and she turns on the lights.
So needless to say, we really do use her...and abuse her probably!  I do get pretty bossy sometimes with her.  "Turn the hall light on."  "Dim the foyer light."  But she's pretty good natured.  Ok - Disclaimer here.... I do NOT worry that she is spying on me.  I really don't care.  My life is nowhere near exciting enough to worry about somebody finding something out!  So with that being said, I love my Alexa girl!

Back to the Punkins...and the boys...my boys.  You know...the grown ones.  Yeah, they were in on this too!  They thought it would be funny to add some "unusual" things to my shopping list.  REALLY unusual!  And because I know these misfits, I can pretty much figure out which one added which item.  I did hear them doing this, and just let them carry on.  It was so good to hear that amount of laughter coming from my kitchen.  The kitchen that is so quiet most of the time.  I have thought back to that day a lot since, and it just makes me happy to remember the massive amount of giggling, and "Alexa, add ____ to my shopping list!" over and over again. 

So here are some of the items I found on my Alexa app when I got to the grocery store the following week...
Unicorn Tears
A Headstone for Fat Tony
The Cure for Cancer (I like this one a lot!)
Twenty pounds of Chicken Claws
Thirty Pounds of Serotonin
Burberry Scarf
A Shiny Toy for Raylynn (I like that one too!)
Google Home (oh that has to hurt Alexa!)

I could go on and on, but you get the idea.  These kids and grandkids gave me something special when they did this!  They gave me the gift of laughter.  They gave me a memory that won't be forgotten anytime soon! 

The VA Punkins gave Pop (Troy) a memory recently too.  They "dropped in" on us (you can talk through the device, and we can have a full conversation with everyone in their house and everyone in our house!) one Sunday afternoon, and Troy had just walked into the room.  He heard voices, and when I walked in he was standing in the middle of the room turning around in a circle saying "hello", "hello?", "hello!"!  He didn't know what was happening.  The kids enjoyed that immensely!  So suffice it to say, with this technology, we can spend a little more time laughing with the Punkins on a regular basis.  We thoroughly enjoy when they drop in on us!  And for my friends who are conspiracy theorists, yes, you can turn that feature off, and you can set times for do not disturb, etc.  And you have to give permission for people to drop in on you on a person to person basis.  So this is not just allowing anyone to do it!  Soooo calm down!  Hahaha!!

I hope this blog post made you laugh a little.  There is too much stress in this world.  Too many bad things on the news.  Too much ranting and complaining on social media.  Find a good memory.  Find something that makes you laugh.  Read a good book, listen to a good podcast.  Or....you could talk to Alexa like I do! 


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