Back To Work Time...

Well folks, it happened yesterday. I got the call that I will be going back to work soon. 😢 Why the sad face, you ask? Well, here it is.... I don't want to go back to work. And no one is more surprised than me! Ok! My husband is probably more surprised even than me. I like being home. I have become very content enjoying my home, cooking dinner every night, and spending time with Troy. Why is this surprising? Let me tell you a story. In the past two months, life as I've known it has changed completely. And I'm going to be honest here, so get ready! Before March 9th, I wasn't happy with my life, my job, my marriage, or anything else. The ONLY thing I was happy with was my fitness routine. Working out was my stress reliever, my "always make me feel better" solution. If I was stressed, I'd work out. If I needed to "run away", I would go for a run. And on and on. And there was a lot of stress...