Back To Work Time...

Well folks, it happened yesterday.  I got the call that I will be going back to work soon. 😢
Why the sad face, you ask?  Well, here it is....
I don't want to go back to work.  And no one is more surprised than me!  Ok!  My husband is probably more surprised even than me.  I like being home.  I have become very content enjoying my home, cooking dinner every night, and spending time with Troy.  Why is this surprising?  Let me tell you a story.

In the past two months, life as I've known it has changed completely. And I'm going to be honest here, so get ready!  Before March 9th, I wasn't happy with my life, my job, my marriage, or anything else.  The ONLY thing I was happy with was my fitness routine.  Working out was my stress reliever, my "always make me feel better" solution.  If I was stressed, I'd work out.  If I needed to "run away", I would go for a run.  And on and on.  And there was a lot of stress.  I like what I do for a living, but I don't like my job.  My boss is not a great person to work for.  I'll leave it at that.  And my life at home was not great either.  My marriage has not been good for a while now.  We discuss it, we try and work on it, but in all honesty, it just wasn't getting any better.  People change, and we've been married a really long time! It wasn't all my fault, or his fault.  It just was what it was.  We both admitted we still loved each other, but we didn't get along on a daily basis at all.  We were on two totally different paths going down this road of life.  Then, March 9th Troy had a heart attack.  Well, that was a bit of an eye opener.  Then, immediately after that, the Covid 19 pandemic hit. And I was suddenly at home ALL the time.  At first, I was not a happy camper.  I am not used to being home.  I am not used to ANY time on my hands, much less ALL the time open and available for...what?  What was I going to do???

Here's what has happened to me.....
1. I started to relax.  I started spending a lot of time with Troy.  Troy has continued to work. So I would be home all day by myself, and have lots of time to do, well, whatever I wanted. And when he came home at the end of his work day, instead of him cooking dinner like he does when I work, we would spend some time together, and then I cooked dinner.  I like to cook, so this isn't a problem for me.
2. When it became apparent that I wasn't going back to work anytime soon, I made a list of things I would like to get done around the house.  To date, I have cleaned and organized every closet, every cabinet, every drawer, every bin, and every corner of my house.  I have cleaned every window covering, washed all windows and doors inside and out, and shampooed every carpet.  I have carried out about 40-50 trash bags full of "stuff" we no longer need in this house.  We have lived here 43 years.  We had a lot of "stuff"!
3. I wanted to do something for my friends and family with young kiddos, so I started a YouTube channel where I read books to kids.  I have had so much fun with this one!  I love to read, and I have always read to my Punkins, so this was just a natural for me!
4. I have started to enjoy my marriage. Yes! I have started to enjoy spending time with my husband.  We have talked a LOT!  We have made some plans for the future for US! We have decided we are going to make it.  We are going to be ok.  When life goes back to being crazy busy again, we have some plans to keep our "us time" truly "US" time.  I know it won't be easy some times, but I am determined to find a way to make it happen.  This was too much of an eye opener to just let it go back to how it was!  Life is truly short and unpredictable as we found out when Troy had his heart attack.  He had about 30 minutes left before he would have died, we were told.  If we hadn't gotten him there when we did...
5. I've put more time into taking care of my parents.  No, I can't visit with them, but I can get their groceries, and I can get their prescriptions, and I can take them dinner on Fridays, keeping our Friday night dinner tradition going. My sister is an absolute angel, and takes my parents to all of their appointments, and sees them regularly during the week during "normal" times.  I see them on Friday nights for dinner normally.  Since this "stay at home" time, I have enjoyed seeing them Wednesdays, if only for a few minutes, when I drop off their weekly groceries and any prescriptions, etc.  It's a very small thing, but it has actually been really great for me to be able to do this!  I have enjoyed it tremendously.
6. I have loved having Saturday and Sunday to do nothing if that's what we choose to do!  Instead of spending two days cleaning, doing laundry, and meal prepping, I can spend the time taking long walks with my daughter-in-law talking and bonding, taking walks with Troy, and doing whatever we feel like doing.  I will truly miss my relaxing weekends!
7. I have maintained, and evened ramped up my workout routines.  I have been doing a LOT of virtual workout classes.  A LOT!  Like sometimes two a day.  But this makes me very happy. You know, endorphins, and all that!  And since I'm cooking and baking all kinds of good food, this has helped me not gain any weight, and actually has changed my body in a positive way.  I've been super happy with this part of staying at home!

Now I've been told that I am going back to work soon.
I don't want to go back to work.  Do I need a paycheck?  Oh yes!  Unemployment has been a very big problem, and I have not had a paycheck since my last one at work before the stay at home time.  I NEED a paycheck.  But, I love my life at home.  I love being able to wake up later (usually 6), get up, have my coffee and breakfast, get my project for the day done, and be ready to hang out with Troy when he gets home, and then make him a nice dinner.  I have become "The Happy Homemaker"! Never, EVER, did I see myself enjoying this! 

So, to sum this all up, I just want you all to know, that there is always a chance that your life can change without you realizing what is happening.  This has all taken me by surprise!  And I'm so glad it did!  Am I worried about what will happen when life goes back to normal?  Absolutely!  But I know what life CAN be like.  I know what I can feel like when I'm happy.  So I will do everything I possibly can to stay this way.  I love my life right now.  I miss my family, but I know we will be together soon, and can make up for lost time.  We are all still healthy, and that is huge!

Bottom line, we all need to unplug once in a while, and if we aren't willing to do it on our own, sometimes life has a way of making us do it!  Thank you life!


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