Another Trip Around The Sun

Well, it's creeping upon that time of year birthday.

Those of you who know me well, know I couldn't care less about my age.  It's a number.  It only tells how many trips around the sun I've made, how many years I've been breathing.  It says nothing about ME.  I am not my age....if you know what I mean. Of course, I've never acted my age.  Telling me to grow up when I was younger was just not something I took heed to.  I didn't want to grow up.  I still don't. 

Why should a birthday, another year added to that number, make a difference in my life?  I feel the same inside as I did when I was 40 years younger.  I am still the same me.  I hope I am a bit smarter, maybe a bit more forgiving, more appreciative of what I have, but still the same me.

So for me, a birthday is just a day to acknowledge my presence here on Earth.  It's a day to happily celebrate with family and friends.  It's a day to say "Yup, here I am.  Let's do this for another year!"  I'm updating my bucket list and getting ready for that next trip around the sun.  I'm feeling like 2020 was a year of not many accomplishments and not many items marked off that list, so 2021 needs to be a good year for that!  Sky diving is high on that list.  I am ready to go when we can get our group ready to jump!  I have always wanted to do this, so I'm hoping this will go to the "Done" list soon.  I also want to go zip lining.  I want to go to Bristol and Talladega tracks for a race.  Just a few things on my list.

Mostly though, I want this next year to bring me clarity on some things.  Life gets muddled sometimes.  People change, relationships change, and what you thought would never change, changes.  My work life is changing gradually.  I am now majority owner of Elite Cabinetry, having bought out Troy's former business partner.  I am excited, and terrified, and want this business to continue to thrive as I work toward a WBE certification. (Women Business Enterprise)  So I will be leaving my job of 32 years at some point to take on this challenge.  One of my favorite quotes is this by C.S. Lewis:  

I have always loved this quote, and I will take that as my sign that I am not too old to tackle this business!

Another piece of "aging" is the physical changes.  Of course you all know I like to keep active. In fact, I never sit still.  I've recently added spin class to my workout lineup, and bought a treadmill so I can run when it's cold and nasty outside.  I feel that if I keep active, I will be able to go into my older years much healthier and at an advantage.  So if you see me out running, or if you happen to be in one of those barre or spin classes with me, don't cut me any slack thinking I'm an old lady.  I need to be pushed hard to stay fit! This is super important to me. And yes, sometimes I need to take that Aleve.  My knee hurts a lot (still haven't had that torn meniscus fixed).  My back hurts sometimes.  My body IS that many years old.  Even though inside, I don't feel it.

So with all this being said, I'm ready for that next trip around the sun.  Bring it on! 


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