The Lord Works in Mysterious Ways

Five years ago today was a very dark day in our family's history....or at the time we considered it so. Five years ago today, Ryan's leg/ankle was crushed by 2000 lbs of stone, and his life changed instantly. It took multiple surgeries just to get to the point where he could move around. That Summer was like no other. He was in a wheelchair, not able to do anything. A trip to the grocery store wasn't even possible for a while. I remember calling the local pizza place where he had worked part time to earn extra cash for his family, and ordering food to be delivered to him just so he would have something hot and fresh to eat. I had instructed them to take the food inside because he couldn't answer the door. It was torture for this Mom to be 3 hours away, and to make matters worse, I was diagnosed with Mono and not allowed to travel. But as soon as I could, I made weekend trips to help out, clean, cook, grocery shop, etc. I did what any Mom would do, and...