The Wonderful Day

If you have ever been around Dementia patients, you will know exactly what I'm talking about when I say that I am living in a state of exhaustion. Today I am beyond exhausted. Let me give you a glimpse into our world right now.... My Mother-In-Law has dementia. It seemed to come on very fast and is escalating every day. Truthfully, we may not have noticed the early stages, or written off the forgetfulness and other erratic behavior as "just getting old". But when dillusions and harmful behavior started, we knew it was more. This has been one of the saddest things I have ever watched happen to a loved one. When she moved out of her apartment, she went to her son's house. After a couple of weeks, she became very disruptive, very aggresive, and started wandering. It is so scary and frightening to see your Mother become a violent person, when all of her life, she has been a sweet, loving person. But that, my friends, is Dementia. When we kept ...