Marriage Is Really Hard Some Days

This weekend, Troy and I are taking a short trip to celebrate our anniversary. On Monday, the 11th, we will be married 46 years.  Let me say that again...


That is 72% of my entire life.  And yes, I actually sat down to figure that out! Some days it seems like 375 years.  Ok, most days it seems that way!  Life isn't always easy.  And this trip almost didn't happen.

If you know me...truly know know that my social media does not depict the true day to day struggle of a couple going through many challenges.  I don't post my "dirt" on Facebook.  That's not the place for it.  So for the past 18 months, our lives have been most challenging to say the least.  We have dealt with Troy's heart attack, a son with a cancer diagnosis, aging parents, the daily stress of owning a business during Covid, and Troy's Mom's dementia struggle.  One of these things alone would be enough to derail most relationships, but put them together with normal day to day life, and you have a recipe for disaster.  Add to that the fact that we were very young when we married.  I was 18.  Do you know how much I have changed since I was 18?  Not just me. Everyone goes through changes. Big changes.  And I will be the first person to say I don't know how Troy has put up with me and all of my changes!  I am not a simple person.  I'm pretty complex...and crazy...definitely crazy. I am who I am and make no excuses.  I own my crazy for sure.  But it doesn't make it easy to live with me. At all. So with all of that being said, it's no wonder we've had issues.

To be totally honest and very raw, there were times recently I wasn't sure we were going to make it to 46.  Not sure at all we would be celebrating this anniversary. I certainly will not go into detail here...a blog post isn't the place either...just sayin'...but it's been rough for a while.  I know everyone goes through rough patches.  And if you say you don't, well, first of all I'm skeptical, and second of all, if you really don't, please contact me for some counseling help because I need to know the secret!

But regardless of what we have been through, are going through, etc., here we are. Forty-six years brings about a lot of memories.  At the lake this year with our whole family, Troy and I looked at each other and said "Wow!  We are responsible for all of these people!  We did this!" It was a bit of an eye opener.  We created a family of two sons, six grandchildren, and a great granddaughter. Then there are three bonus grandchildren because of wonderful people who have come into our family and stayed.  How could we give up on this?  Maybe we should just keep going...keep plugging away at this marriage. We owe it to this family to at least try. 

To wrap it up, here we are.  On our anniversary trip.  Reconnecting, relaxing, and finding common ground. We do love each other, and that's a pretty solid foundation. That's a good place to start!


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