Please Be Kind 2022

As we approach the end of this year, my mind is all over the place.  I feel like this year has flown by.  But 2021 was supposed to be really good wasn't it?  Wasn't it supposed to be so much better than 2020?

So as we get ready to plunge headfirst into 2022...or is it 2020 too?...I want some kind of plan in place in case it doesn't get better.  I mean, who wants to repeat these past two years?  Just being funny, but seriously, can we all just pray for some relief from the constant influx of bad news, terrible medical statistics, and economic disasters?

So I've decided to implement a few changes in my life to ensure my sanity, and bring positivity to my family and others.  Here's what I'm thinking...

**I plan to work out at least six days a week for stress relief...oh wait...I already do that.  Oh well, I will continue this!

**I will love my family and friends, and do everything I can to support them and show my love.  Hmmm...already do this.  Ok, no problem.  I'll continue this also!

**I will be organized with meal prep. Makes life so much easier.  Ummm...this is a weekly thing already.  Guess I will just continue.

Are you seeing the trend here?  Me too.  I guess there really isn't anything I can do to make sure 2022 is better than 2020 and 2021.  It's not up to me.  It's totally out of my hands. All I can do is be kind, loving, and patient.  I can't control the economy, this stupid virus, or anyone else's actions.  But I can control how I react to it.  Maybe I need to look at myself a little more closely.  

I am currently in a challenge at my gym, (I know, shocker, right?) and we were asked to make a contract with ourselves for 2022 with 3 things we were going to change.  Not just what we were going to change, but how we were going to do it.  I was actually already working on a form of this in my journal, so this drove home the point that if I change some things about me, maybe that changes my world a little.  Maybe that will help me deal with bad things that may happen, or just deal daily with bad news, the economy, etc.  So, my contract with myself is written and signed, and I'm taking it a step further, and adding to those three items.  If I can only change me, and my little world inside my circle, my family, my home, maybe I can deal with the outside world better.

Today's accountability post in my challenge drove home another point.  It basically said we all have a tool box, were given tools by our parents, and some of those tools were handed down over generations.  And some of our tools are broken.  Not our parent's fault.  We have to be accountable for using our broken tools that need to be fixed or replaced.  What tools are broken?  What a punch in the gut that was!  I felt that in my soul.  Much to think about.  So yes, it does come down to me.  I can't blame Covid or the economy, or anything else.  I need to do some soul searching and see what tools need to be replaced.  Maybe my life will be a little happier or easier if I am using the correct tools.  

So, all of this just tells me that I can't say if 2022 will be better.  I can't MAKE 2022 be better.  I can only take each day as it comes, smile, breathe, and pray.  I can decide how I will react to what is happening around me.  And I will replace my broken tools.  Or fix them. And I will continue to be there for my family and my friends.  I will continue to strive for good health and fitness as this is where my stress relief comes from.  

Your thoughts?  


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