Lessons From This Morning's Rain

Today hasn't gone as planned...thank you rain. So instead of rucking, I was sitting on my porch feeling cranky after I got some housework done, and then a strange thing happened. I started just listening to the rain and feeling relaxed. I know I don't allow myself much down time. I mean, I have a lot of life to live yet, and I'm not getting any younger. So with working out, rucking, kayaking, and that horrible thing called work, I have to also keep my house clean, laundry done, and do my weekly meal prep. I try to get a good night's sleep because, well, I can't do all that other stuff if I don't allow my body to rest and recover at night.  So sitting on my porch doing absolutely nothing is not something I do a lot. I use my porch a lot, but normally I'm working or doing something productive while I sit there. Today has been just sitting quietly. And let's face facts here, Linda doesn't usually do anything quietly!
The past year has been challenging, and it has changed me. Watching someone go from a vibrant, active woman to a confused, bedridden dementia patient has a profound effect on a person. It has definitely shown me that life is to be lived, not just shuffled through. 
I am the healthiest I have ever been as an adult, and I can't let that change.  I have a lot of energy,  and some days don't know what to do with it. So I take advantage of all resources around me. I have friends who share my energy level and love of fitness, and they keep me sane. We workout together, we share our ups and downs, and we pray for one another. That is priceless, and I'm so grateful. I kayak as often as possible. The serenity of the water is something I never tire of. My kayaking buddies know that I'm always up for an adventure, even if it sometimes scares me a little. Like tomorrow....a new adventure and I'm a bit nervous, but also excited!
I love to try new "things". Anybody who knows me, knows I'm usually up for just about anything. I love nature, so this time of year, challenge me with an outdoor activity, and I'm there.  "In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take" is one of my favorite quotes. I definitely live that!
So I guess all of this is just to say, take advantage of tranquil moments like porch sitting while it rains. While it did mess up my rucking plans this morning, it has brought a quiet reflective time that my soul needed. It has my mind going all kinds of places it wouldn't normally have time to go to. It's brought me a few revelations. It's brought me peace.
And maybe, just maybe, my soul needed that this morning more than my body needed that ruck. 


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