Little Debbie, How Are You Still Little??

Tis the season....
    For Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes that is.

So, every year at this time, Little Debbie attacks us with her seasonal cakes. She sneaks into all the stores and leaves those boxes of Christmas Tree cakes on the shelves in that aisle I never buy anything know, the snack cake section.  I truly never buy anything from that aisle.  I can't or I would be huge.  I have a terrible sweet tooth, and that aisle makes me salivate. 
Now, let me break down for you what these cakes are. 
 *The coating on the outside is a waxy, icky something.  Not sure what it's made of, and don't really want to know!
 *The cake is mostly ok. White cake. Kind of plain.  Kind of nondescript.
 *The sugar crystals on the top of the cake....SUGAR CRYSTALS. Nothing more needs to be said.
 *The cream inside.  O.M.G.  I have no idea why I love these crazy horrible things so much, except that cream inside. 

My diet for the last five plus years has been healthy, made from scratch mostly, and low in sugar.
I have lost 60 lbs and kept it off. But mostly, I haven't eaten the crap from that aisle.

My activity consists of running, rucking with a 20 lb pack, spinning, and strength training.  Some other things thrown in there, but you get the idea.  Six days a week, I am consciously active. I rest one day.

Now, let's talk about two weeks ago...
I am in the local grocery store on a Friday getting my parents' groceries, along with a few things for myself. I stroll down that aisle. Oh yeah, I went there.  Well, Little Debbie jumped off that shelf, slapped my upside my head, and said Girl, you are taking me home with you.  So then she jumped into my cart.
I am thinking to myself, "you deserve this".  Then I think "You can handle it." Next, "It's just one box. Eat one, put them away, and treat yourself another time."

I bought them.

Let me tell you that the box did not make it to my house unopened.  I opened that bad boy right there in the car and ate one.  I took the box inside and put that now opened box into the pantry.  I did not want to leave it on the counter where I would see it.

Friday night #2 Christmas Tree Cake was consumed.

Saturday, #3 AND #4 were destroyed by my sweet tooth.

Sunday, the final cake was removed from the box and eaten with a sadness I can only explain as resignation that the box was now empty and I had probably gained a few pounds. 

That night, Troy went into the pantry looking for something, and brought out the empty box.
I had been busted.  Yes, I left the empty box in there.  I guess I couldn't stand the sight of it in the trash can.  There was a finality about that act that I can't explain. 

So this leaves only ONE question.  HOW is Little Debbie still LITTLE?  She must work out all day, every day. 

While this has all been satire, I did really want to show some people that I DO eat crap sometimes.  I AM kinda normal sometimes.  I have weaknesses.  So, if you are one of those people who say to me "I can't believe you won't eat (fill in the blank)", now you know I WILL eat an ENTIRE box of Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes.  Yes.  Yes, I will.


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