
Showing posts from January, 2024

27 Days as a Minimalist

My New Year's Intention was to become a minimalist. I felt it was time to let go of a lot of stuff, and just simplify my life. When people hear "minimalism", most will conjure up an image of bare walls, floors, and furniture. But minimalism is so different than what I also imagined. My minimalism may look very different from yours. It's whatever you decide it will be.  For me, it was going room to room, decluttering, deciding what to keep, what to throw out, and what to donate. It was organizing closets, cabinets, and even inventorying the pantry, fridge and freezers.  I did one room at a time. I have filled so many trash bags!  I have boxes and bags full of household items, clothes and shoes to donate.  I'm now 27 days in.  Every room except the basement has been thoroughly decluttered and organized. Even my car has been organized...all those bags I need for Aldi are corralled!😂 The other part of minimalism is cutting your spending. I have a 72 hour sheet....