I Have An Announcement to Make.....

Let me begin by setting the stage....

My dining room, December 31st, 2015.
People present--Myself, Hubby Troy, Son Ryan, Daughter-In-Law Tabitha, Cousin Crystal (a very close cousin), and my 5 VA Punkins.
Occasion--Our Boothe Christmas celebration

I say "I have an announcement to make!"
Looks of concern, amusement, and most of all fear from my family.  Yes, they know me!
Troy looks at Ryan and says "How do you feel about a little brother?"
There is some choking, and some nervous laughter....then a LOT of laughter!
After everyone realizes that this is NOT what my announcement is, I proceed to tell my family my big announcement.

Since I turn 59 on my upcoming birthday in March, I have made a 60 before 60 list.
A bucket list.
And I want to complete it before I turn 60 in March of 2017.
While I am not making my entire list known to everyone, (there has to be some mystery, right?) I am letting some items be known.  For instance, as strange as this may seem to some people, I have never been to New York City.  Partly because the opportunity hasn't presented itself at the right time in my life, and partly because I've never had a great desire.  However, I now want to do this, so that is on my list!  And the planning has begun for that!  So excited!
Another item on my list is to take a hot air balloon ride.  Yes, I want to go Up, Up, and Away in a Beautiful Balloon!  (If you aren't around my age, you won't understand that last sentence.)

I now have 14 months to accomplish 60 things.  So if you see random numbers appearing on my Facebook page or Instagram posts, you'll know I'm on my way!  And with this blog, I will accomplish one.  I love to write, and the stress it releases in me is remarkable, so I will blog at least twice a month.  

Hmmmm...What shall I work on next?


  1. Yay!! It worked. Lol. So as I was saying I think your announcement is AWESOME! You are the motivated person I know and I'm excited for you! Can't wait to read all your blogs about your adventures. And, if you need someone to accompany you to NY, just give me a shout!! Happy new year!! 💪🏻😊

    1. Thank you! I'll keep you posted! Happy New Year to you and the whole fam!!

  2. Looking forward to hearing about your list check offs. I admire your spunk. I'm turning 61 in 5 days and in April our group of gals are headed to Belize to do some jungle zip lines and river tubing. Never stop playing!!

    1. Kate, that sounds fabulous! And you are right....NEVER stop playing! People are always telling me to slow down. WHY would I want to do that???? Haha! Let's show this world that 60 is the new 20!


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