Bananas, Shrinking Clothes, and Humidity...the Perils of my new lifestyle!

It's Friday!  And to me that means it's "Weigh In " day!  I have been struggling a little lately with only losing a portion of a pound at a time.  I am so very faithful with my "Healthy Eating" (we do NOT use the D word...), and extremely faithful with my exercising, so when I only lose a portion of a pound, I get a bit upset.  Well, let me tell you about today!  I lost two whole pounds this week!  I am elated!  

And speaking of struggling, I have been bothered with leg cramps lately.  I stretch before I exercise, I drink a ton of water, and I take calcium.  So I was kind of at a loss as to what was happening.  Come to find out, I am a bit potassium deficient.  So the VERY first thing everyone says to me is "Eat a banana"!  I like bananas.  I love bananas!  I used to eat one every single day as my mid morning snack.  However, I stopped eating them because they are very high in sugar.  As I write this and imagine my friends reading it, I can actually hear multiple voices saying "But it's NATURAL sugar! It's fine!".  Ok, ok!  I get it.
BUT....I am using My Fitness Pal to track my food, water, exercise, etc.  And when I do something, and really believe in it, I do it all the way.  So when I add a banana, and it takes 25% of the sugar I am allowed per day, I cringe.  I have always been told that I am pre-diabetic.  I am determined that the "pre" will never come off of that word!  Therefore, I watch my sugar intake like crazy!  
But I don't like leg cramps either.  So I do what everyone does.  I Googled potassium deficiency.  Yes, I am now taking a supplement, but I want to do this as naturally as I can.  So I find out that sweet potatoes, spinach, avocados, and bananas are high in potassium,  Off to the produce aisle of the grocery store I go!  And I figure if I'm going to not worry about the "natural" sugar so much, I might as well enjoy some fresh fruit from the Amish market.  So now I have fresh strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries.  If I become diabetic it's all my friends' fault!  Hahaha!!!

Next up on my "problem" list....Baggy clothes.  Yes!  That is a problem some days.  I have "fat" clothes, and I have "skinny" clothes.  I don't have much in between.  And I am in between.  So this afternoon I am working on shrinking some items to see if I can keep wearing them until I can fit into my "skinny" clothes!  Hot water in the washer, and high heat in the dryer.  We'll see...

Last thing on my mind tonight is humidity.  I. Hate. Humidity.  Period!  
I also hate my elliptical.  Therefore, if it's not a yoga night, I must walk two miles.  Outside.  In the heat and humidity!  Ugh!  But it beats the torture of spending 30 minutes on that dreaded elliptical!  Now, let me tell you what happens to me in the heat and humidity.  I'm a sweater.  No, not the sweater you wear.  I sweat.  A lot!  Then the sweat drips into my eyes.  That burns!  I have naturally curly hair.  Do you know what happens to curly hair in the humidity?  I'm also post menopausal.  Do you know what happens in menopause?  Yeah, I get hot.  A lot!  

So to sum it up... 1. I. Hate. Humidity.  2. I have no clothes that fit.  3. I'm gonna eat bananas.
The perils of my new lifestyle.  You know what?  I like my new problems!  It means I have gone out of my comfort zone.  It means I am doing something I am not used to doing.  It means I'm alive and well.  Bring it on world.  I can handle it!


  1. You could be magnesium deficient, too. Since taking tamoxifen, I get killer cramps all over - thighs, abdomen, neck, UGH. This stuff is great: A teaspoon in some warm water does the trick. I take some every 2nd or 3rd day to keep cramps at bay.

    1. P.s. This is Kim Malat. Stupid profile won't show!

    2. Thank you Kim! The supplement I just started taking is magnesium and potassium. It's Shaklee brand so I know it's all natural which is one of my big requirements. I understand that magnesium and potassium work together, so I'm assuming that's why this supplement has both in it. I'm hoping this helps! Those cramps are awful!! I can't imagine having them in my neck and other areas! Calf cramps are bad enough!


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