Goals, Resolutions, and Auld Lang Syne

It's 8AM on December 31st, 2017.  When I asked Alexa to start my day, she started singing Auld Lang Syne.  So that started me thinking.  What does it really mean?  We all sing it, but do we know what it means?  Roughly translated, it means "for old times' sake".

Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and old lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we'll take a cup of kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.
And surely youll buy your pint cup!
and surely Ill buy mine!
And we'll take a cup o kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.

Looking at the lyrics makes me want to warmly remember old friends, appreciate new friends, and hug my family.  Maybe I'm just being sentimental this morning.  I'm missing my Son and Punkins who are usually here for New Year's Eve.  It's when we do our big Petty Family Christmas.  Maybe it's because we are coming to the end of a big year for me personally. Whatever it is, Alexa surely got me going this morning.  

So after we remember our old acquaintances, our family, and our very dear friends, we naturally move on to thinking about 2018, and of course, our resolutions.  I prefer to think of them as goals this year.  Here's why:

Definition of goal:  the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.
Definition of resolution:  a firm decision to do or not to do something

I really like the definition of goal better.  Why?  It shows that I am putting forth effort and have ambition.  And with 2017 being such a big year for me, that means a lot to me.  So my goals for 2018?  I have a few.  Not many.  I think our goals change as the year goes on.  I think we add goals, and I think we maybe delete some of those original goals.  Life happens, and we change.  Our situations change.  But overall, my goals aren't surprising to anyone, I'm sure.  Here they are:

1 ~ I plan to lose that last eight pounds.  Such a cliche I know.  Lose weight.  But...I did lose 42 lbs in 2017.  I think it's totally acceptable to have this goal!  I can, and I will get that last 8 lbs off!

2 ~ Continue my healthy lifestyle.  This shouldn't be too difficult.  I'm in the routine of eating healthy, working out, etc., so I will just continue.

3 ~ This is a big one for me.  And it will be hard for me.  Remove the phone from my hand more often.  Yep!  Tough one!  No phone at the dinner table.  My husband deserves my full attention.  

4 ~ And speaking of my husband, my last, and most important goal is to reconnect with the man I have spent 42 years with.  Now if you watch my Facebook page, my Instagram, etc., you see posts that show a happy, healthy relationship between my husband and myself.  We love each other, true.  However, I have changed so much this year, that it has had an impact on our relationship.  I actually feel very bad for Troy.  I'm sure he feels like I have gone over some edge...lost my mind.  I have developed new interests that we don't share.  I spend a lot of time working out, going to yoga classes and the gym, and running.  Time away from him.  We had some rocky times this year.  I'll be the first to take some blame for that.  So I will take some action as well.  I will put more effort into our relationship.  He's a good man.  Do we have issues?  Yes.  What relationship doesn't?  We need to find common ground.  And we will.  When love is at the core of a relationship, there is always hope.  Will it take both of us?  Absolutely.  But, back to the song Alexa started my day with.  Here's two more less well known verses that can be taken different ways, but I look at them with my marriage in mind:

We two have run about the slopes,
and picked the daisies fine;
But we've wandered many a weary foot,
since auld lang syne.

We two have paddled in the stream,
from morning sun till dine;
But seas between us broad have roared
since auld lang syne.

In conclusion, I look forward to 2018.  I love the idea of a blank page...a whole new opportunity.  Lots of new chances.  So let's do this!  Let's make our goals, and then let's go get them!  And to all my old acquaintances, to my new ones, too, you will not be forgotten...for Auld Lang Syne!


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