Reflections on 2017 ~ Thank You Friends and Family!

As 2017 is coming quickly to an end, and 2018 looms large in front of us, it's a natural time for reflection, for fond memories, and for saying thank you to those who have been good to us this year.

For what seems like many years now, I've approached the end of the year with some regret, wishing I had accomplished more.  Not so this year.  Not so at all.  This has been my year.  My year of change.  My year of accomplishment.

When 2017 began, I had the normal resolutions....lose weight, get healthy, be a better person, appreciate life more, etc., etc.  Then I turned 60 in March.  60!  I have lived six decades!  Whoa!

Sixty hit me hard...but not in a bad way.  It woke me up.  If I was going to get healthy, now was the time!  So I set out to walk several times a week, do yoga, and eat healthier.  Well, let me tell you how that went down!  Walking led to running, eating healthier led to weight loss, weight loss led to more energy, and that in turn led to more activity.  I was introduced to kayaking, and fell in love fast with this awesome activity.  I was introduced to running races.  I was introduced to the gym.  Fast forward to the end of 2017.  Down 42 lbs and 2 sizes, a 5k, winning my age bracket, in the books, and not a day going by that I don't exercise.  Because I have to?  No!  Because I WANT to!  Because I feel good when I do!

Now to the real reason for this post.  A thank you to my friends and family. 

When a person sets out to change their life, there are always those who, for whatever reason, don't want it to happen.  I had those.  Not anymore.  Then there are those who look at you skeptically, thinking to themselves, "Yeah, right!".  I had those.  Not anymore.  Then there are the people in your life that say, "Good for you!" and truly mean it.  That's my family.  The support I've received from my family and wonderful friends has been overwhelming!  But there are a few people who have really gotten in there and encouraged me every step of the way.  I cannot let this opportunity pass without thanking those few!

Jeremy, my Son, my Trainer, my Cheerleader.  Who else but your Son would run a 5k, finish, and then come back and run the end of the race with his Mother who is running her first ever race?  Did he encourage me with the tone of a Drill Sgt while he did this?  Yes indeed!  Did I need that?  Yes indeed!  Was he there with me when I ran through that chute at the finish line?  Yes he was!  Every weekend, while training, I would send him my results from my runs, and he would say "Great!, Awesome!" or something like that.  Always.  Would he tell me I could go faster?  Yup!  He gave me nutrition advice, set me up with exercise plans, and encouraged, encouraged, encouraged!

Ryan, my Son, my Cheerleader, my confidant.  When your Son who is partially disabled, gets down on the floor and does planks with you, Yeah, that's a good supportive son for sure!

My cousin Crystal, who on countless occasions received pictures of me in outfits with me asking "Does this look ok?"  I have been very unsure of how to dress with my weight loss.  I don't want to be THAT 60 year old who looks like she's trying to look 30!  So I rely on her to help me out!  She has given nonstop support and encouragement throughout this journey!

My sister Shirley, always positive, always encouraging!  Always she wants what's best for me!  Of course, she IS my sister and best buddy!

Hubby Troy....what can I say?  I know I've confused the heck out of you this year!  I know you thought on many occasions that I've lost my mind.  Thanks for putting up with the ever changing me.  Thank you for kayaking with me when you really didn't want to.  Thank you for changing the way you cook.  Thank you for understanding when I won't eat that pie you bought.  It's nothing personal.  It's just not something I crave anymore!

To my neighbors and friends Victor and Chelsea and Ed and Stephanie (my walking buddy), thank you for your constant support.  When I make your dogs go crazy at night when I'm running in the dark past your house a hundred times, and when I'm out there running on weekends and you tell me to keep at it, keep up the good work, I say thank you!  It is so appreciated!

And to all of my family and friends on Facebook and Instagram.  Thank you so much for being so supportive!  It feels so good to know I have that many people who care about me!  For those of you who have said "You look so healthy!", Thank you!  That is my goal.  I'm not worried about size, weight, or looks.  I want to be healthy.  Period.  So for those of you who notice that I am healthy, I appreciate that so much!

And for those friends and family who have entered this journey for yourselves, I say "Do it!"  "Go for it!"  "Don't give up!"  YOU CAN DO IT, TOO!  I am so proud of each and every one of you!  I love watching your progress!  There is absolutely no downside to becoming healthy!  Jeremy once told me "Nothing tastes as good as Fit feels!".  And you know what?  Once again Jeremy is right!

So as 2018 comes in, I am setting new goals and making new plans.  I want to mark some more items off my bucket list.  I want to be happy and healthy.  What are your plans?  Whatever they are, go get those dreams!  And once again, Thank You to everyone who supported me this year on my journey!


  1. I'm here to support you any way I can. Even if it's through 100 more pictures of outfits.

  2. Thank you!! You have no idea how much I appreciate it!

    1. Anytime! Can't wait to see what 2018 will bring!


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