When Doubt Creeps In

We all have doubts. Everyone. How we deal with our doubts is what's important. My very favorite author and Life Coach Valorie Burton says this: "Fear. It creeps up on us, often without a sound. It asks, “What if everything goes wrong?” “What if I fail?” “What if I never get what I want?” And disastrous answers to those questions can send us down a path of negative thinking that spirals out of control. Psychologists call it “catastrophizing.” Next time it happens, stop fear in its path with an opposite question: What if it does work out? What if you succeed? What if you finally get what you want? What if things go right? Asking these questions gives you a sudden burst of energy. That energy is hope." So in my life right now, doubt (fear) has reared it's ugly head. Here's what's happening: As you all know, I've gone through a total "transformation" since last March. I turned 60 and decided it was time to get healthy. So I have los...