A Bad Day Spent in Carb City, Sodium Suburbs, and Sugar Heaven

We've all had them.  That day where you resist nothing.  You don't start out the day with those intentions. You start out the day like any other. You have your breakfast protein shake, you have your banana for your snack mid-morning, and then you see that bag of chips.  Nothing prepared you for this detour this morning, you had no plan of action prepared, but there they are... In all their thin crispy salty goodness! And you eat them. You eat a lot of them. And they are heavenly! And then you see candy. And you eat that too. And by the evening you are having a very serious conversation with yourself. Yes, you had your yogurt for lunch, and your grapefruit.  In all actuality, the day was not a total loss. You had a healthy dinner but then you sat and ate an entire chocolate chip protein cookie because it was the only sweet thing in your house.  Half of a cookie is a serving size by the way.

Now, let's revisit the dark, deadly places I visited yesterday...Carb city, sodium suburbs, sugar heaven. Yep! That was my day!  Now I could tell you that I had a very stressful day, and I did. I could tell you that there were other circumstances that led me to some stress eating. And it's true. But let's not go there. Let's just focus on the fact that I ate very badly most of the day. When I got home, and after I had eaten dinner, I did a very fast moving yoga session. And when I say fast-moving, this chick on my yoga app has me inhaling and exhaling so fast with each different position that I am sweating in 10 minutes. This is not calming, stress relieving yoga. This is a workout!  So yes, I did work out. But I work out everyday, so don't think that I feel that this erased all of my bad eating yesterday. Because it did not.

So with all of this being said, let me tell you how I felt after eating that stuff.  I was so freaking lethargic, I could barely keep my eyes open!  My normal high level of energy?  Gone.  Ugh!  I did not like me at all!  You know what I wanted to do after dinner?  I wanted to sit down, cover up with my blanket, and veg.  You know what I did?  Yeah, I did that crazy yoga workout!  So at least I still had some of my good sense kicking in!  

But getting to the moral of this story...
When I went to bed last night, I felt awful about myself.  I honestly expected to wake up fat.  I expected to wake up and be like 10 lbs heavier.  When I didn't wake up like that, I resolved to have a much better day today.  I haven't lost 43.2 lbs by giving up after one bad day.  I saw this today:
A friend of mine posted this morning on Facebook:  Today, I turned down fluffy, fresh, gooey glazed donuts. It almost broke my spirit! #DeterminedToBeFIT
To her I say:  Christy, you got this!  You are on the right path!  I am so proud of you!  
And I'm so inspired by that post!  I needed that today!  It makes me realize that we all have to decide every single day, every single minute, what we want the most.  Do we want to be fit and healthy or do we want those donuts?  Or chips in my case.  I go back over and over to what my son always says...Nothing tastes as good as fit feels.  And it is so true!

So....today I haven't eaten anything I shouldn't.  And I have no desire to.  Yesterday didn't kill me, so that means it made me stronger, right?  Why yes!  I do believe it did!  I WILL get those last 6.8 lbs off!  I just took a one day detour down a very dark alley!


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