When Doubt Creeps In

We all have doubts.  Everyone.  How we deal with our doubts is what's important.
My very favorite author and Life Coach Valorie Burton says this:
"Fear. It creeps up on us, often without a sound. It asks, “What if everything goes wrong?” “What if I fail?” “What if I never get what I want?” And disastrous answers to those questions can send us down a path of negative thinking that spirals out of control. Psychologists call it “catastrophizing.” Next time it happens, stop fear in its path with an opposite question: What if it does work out?
What if you succeed? What if you finally get what you want? What if things go right? Asking these questions gives you a sudden burst of energy. That energy is hope." 

So in my life right now, doubt (fear) has reared it's ugly head.  Here's what's happening:
As you all know, I've gone through a total "transformation" since last March.  I turned 60 and decided it was time to get healthy.  So I have lost 44 lbs, started a regular workout regimen,  and run when I get a chance.  Now the problem...
I can't seem to get the last 6 lbs off, and I have some problem areas that need help.  So after a suggestion from Jeremy, I have an appointment with a trainer at his gym...Power Train.  And I have also signed up for Boot Camp classes.  I can do this.  Right?  Can I??  Eeek!!  Enter doubt.  Enter fear.

So yesterday, in an attempt to reassure myself that I can indeed do this, I changed up my home workout to include several boot camp type exercises, and forced myself to complete not just a certain number of reps, but a certain time.  I pushed myself hard.  Unfortunately, I gave myself more doubt because it was hard...very hard!  But I did it, and, I did it again today.  AND I did more reps and upped the time today.  

Now, please don't think I'm bragging, because I am certainly not.  This is not brag worthy.  I'm putting this on paper to be accountable to myself!  I just read another Valorie Burton excerpt that talks about your "Stretch Goal".  She says there are three steps:

1. What vision feels just beyond your reach?
2. What specific, measurable, and time-sensitive goal would bring you closer to that vision?
3. Who will you tell?

So my friends, you are #3!  I'm telling you so I am accountable.  She says: "Don’t keep it to yourself so you can quietly drop the goal if you don’t achieve it. Commit to it. Declare it out loud. Sharing your plans with others makes it far more likely that you’ll actually carry them out."

Ok.  There it is.  I would like to tell you that I am now entering Beast Mode, but I'm probably more like Baby Tiger Mode!  I don't consider myself a beast.  My son?  He's a beast.  Me?  Nah!  I admire everyone who is a beast when it comes to fitness.  And yes, I kind of would like to be like that.  But my goal for now is set.  I just want to lose these last 6 lbs and get rid of my flab.  That's simple enough, right?  Right??  And WHEN I do it, I will thank you all for your support!  And after that?  Who knows?  The Beast Mode may creep in!  


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