Dear Facebook, We Need To Take A Break...

I am about to do something I have never thought about doing before.....
I'm taking a break from Facebook.  Here's what prompted this:

Starting tomorrow, I will be participating in 21 days of Prayer and Fasting.

As for the Prayer, I won't have a problem with that.  I have a plan, and I will take the time to do this!  I want to be closer to God, and I want to be stronger in my faith, so this is the perfect opportunity to start on that journey.

As for the Fasting...I had a hard time deciding what to do with this!  But I love the one statement that jumped out at me.  "Fasting disconnects us from the world".  What???  I like this!  I feel the need to disconnect sometimes.  But for 21 days?  I contemplated this for quite a while.
When I read my options, there were several different kinds of fasting that I could participate in.  One is Complete Fasting.  Only liquids.  Not for me.  With my workout schedule, I need to eat, and I need to eat food.  Then there's the Selective Fast, or Daniel Fast as it is also known.  I just don't feel like I will do well at this, and if I'm not totally "in", I don't want to do it.  So I decided on the Soul Fast.  Here's what the church's website said about this fast:
"This fast is a great option if you do not have much experience fasting food, have health issues that prevent you from fasting food, or if you wish to refocus certain areas of your life that are out of balance.  For example, you might choose to stop using social media or watching television for the duration of the fast and then carefully bring that element back into your life in healthy doses at the conclusion of the fast."
Well, that did it.  My decision was made.  And here's that decision....

I will be taking a break from Facebook for the duration of the 21 days of  Prayer and Fasting.  This will be hard for me.  I am a very "social" person!  But I feel I need this!  I will still use Facebook for my business.  I have a couple of Facebook parties that I am doing in the next couple of weeks, so I will still do those as this is part of how I make my living.  I will also still be on my Business pages.  However, I will not be checking in on my personal page or posting, or commenting on anything.  I will not "Facebook stalk" or look at my newsfeed.  I can't totally deactivate my page because I also am admin for my office's page and Troy's business page, and they are connected to mine.  I will still be on Instagram.  It is a much more positive place, and I might lose my mind if I try to do both at the same time! 😲

So as I embark on this 21 day journey, if you are a praying person, pray that I find peace, increase my faith, and learn a little bit about myself!  And don't worry, I will be back!  I love my social media way too much to give it up entirely!


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