My Word For 2019 is....

If your social media feeds are like mine, the trend this year is to have a word for yourself for 2019.  Usually when new trends like this start, I roll my eyes, but not this year!  I LOVE this trend!  I love the thought that goes into picking out one word that you will take into the new year for yourself.  What ONE word defines what you want for yourself, what you will strive for, what you identify with most?  I had a great conversation with my oldest Granddaughter Emily on New Year's Eve.  I was explaining my word for 2019 to her, and why I picked that word.  I honestly never wavered on picking this word.  It was MY word from the time I first saw the trend start.  I just knew.  If you read my blog post about my New Year's Resolution titled "2019 I See You...", you will understand why I picked this word.

So, without further ado, my word for 2019 is STRONG.
I want to be STRONG in mind.
I want to be STRONG in body.
I want to be STRONG in my faith.
I want to be STRONG in my convictions.
I want to be STRONG in my marriage.

Strong is a strong pun intended.
Just saying strong invokes a certain feeling of, well, strength.  
So for me, to be strong in mind has never really been a problem.  Strong in my conviction has also not been a problem.  Just ask my family.  I am very stubborn when I believe in something.  When my mind is made up, it's made up.  It makes me a great friend if I'm on your side, but if I'm your wife, and we don't agree on something, it's not always a good thing.  Troy can agree with this for sure.  
But still, being strong in your convictions, whether political, religious, or social, can be a good thing.  If you know who you are, you know what you like and don't like, and you are willing to stand up for yourself and your convictions, you are a strong person.  I like that.  I have always tried to be a strong person.  Troy's nickname for me has always been hard head.  Guess he knows me, huh?
Soooo...I guess I've already mastered these two.  
Strong Mind✅
Strong Convictions✅

Now, what about that Strong body?  I'm working hard on that!  Last year's goal was to become a better runner.  I wanted to increase my endurance and speed, and I did!  Thanks to my future daughter-in-law Angie, I trained for, and ran, a 10 miler.  Yay me! 🏃
So this year, the emphasis is on strength.  I am so excited that I can now see definition in my muscles.  In the words of my Granddaughter when she saw a pic of me in my workout tank, "Dang Mimi"!  And while discussing this section of my word with her, she said, "You got that way because you worked out even on vacation!"  This couldn't have made me any happier.  That means the Punkins are watching and learning from me.  They know if you want something bad enough you will work hard for it...even on vacation! So this year I want to become stronger in body.  I will keep going!
Strong Body💪✓ (Only giving myself a little check, because I have a long way to go!)

Faith is important to me, and this year I vow to become stronger in my faith.  I have started by taking the time every morning to sit with my "Jesus is Calling" book and read that day's portion.  I spend a few minutes contemplating it also.  I NEED to do this.  I NEED stronger faith!
My church is having 21 days of prayer and fasting that starts Sunday.  I want to participate in that.  I need that!  I need all the help I can get in this department!  Anyone who wants to pray for me, I will cherish those prayers!
Strong Faith🙏

Lastly, Strong Marriage.  This is a tough one.  Again, if you have read my last blog post, you know that Troy and I have had some struggles the past few years.  Lots of changes in me, and just life in general has led to some issues. You also know if you read that post that we are not ready to throw in the towel yet.  We're going to keep working at it.  And we are.  We are both committed to this.  We'll get there.  So this year, I will keep working hard to reconnect with my hubby.  I want this marriage to be strong again.  And it will!
Strong Marriage💕

As you can see, I have some work to do.  I need to get busy!  But, since I'm STRONG...see what I did there?...I know I can handle this.  I can do it.  I have Punkins watching.  I need to be a STRONG role model.  That, in my eyes, is my most important job!

Happy New Year to all!  And if you will, please comment with YOUR word for 2019.  And if you don't have one, give it some thought!  It's a great exercise!  Very thought provoking!  Give it a try!


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