Finding Peace During Quarantine

I have noticed a gradual change in my attitude toward staying at home in the past week. Could it be that I'm starting to like it? Whaaaatttt??? I was actually thinking about this very thing Tuesday morning, while sitting in my favorite chair, still in my PJs, drinking my coffee and finishing my yogurt and strawberries. Did I mention it was 8:30 AM? Yeah, I was just hanging out watching the Today show, nice and warm covered in my blanket. I was thinking about what my "old normal" 8:30AM looked like. Patients would be arriving, I would be preparing contracts for the day, my coffee would be long cold or gone, and my breakfast would seem long done. I would have been up for 3.5 hours if that was a MD day, or 4.5 and had my gym workout in for the day if it was the PA office. By this time of the morning, I would also feel the stress creeping in. But here I was, still lounging, still relaxed, having been up for about an hour and a half. I started thi...