I've Needed A Mental Health Day For So Long...

For a very long time, while working three jobs, I have longed for a mental health day...just a day I could stay home, not have to go anywhere, or do anything.  Just be.  Just for a day.  I dreamed of what I might do that day.  Read a book, write a blog post, make a nice meal for hubby and myself, or even give myself a pedicure.  All of these things mentioned are a luxury to me.  I stay super busy all the time, and don't take time to do these things.

So fast forward to March of 2020.  Guess what?  I got my mental health day....plus 20 as of today.

Since March 21st, pretty much every day is a mental health day.  However, my mental health is not so great with all of these days.  How could I have longed for this kind of do nothing time for so long, and not be thrilled when I get it?  Especially for 21 days and counting!  And before this stay at home order,  I was always thinking about what life might be like when I retire.  Sleep in every day, do whatever I want, whenever I want, relax, and love life.  Well, I have been sleeping in...sort of.  But, if I sleep in, then I can't get to sleep at night.  And then I need to sleep later in the morning.  It's a vicious cycle.  So I have mostly been getting up around 6.  A far cry from 4 on the days I go to the gym, or even 5, when I get up to go straight to work.  But definitely not sleeping in till 8 or so.  Just not happening.
And doing whatever I want, when I want?  Yeah, sort of.  But no.  I am a very "to-do list" kind of person.  This whole doing anything, any time, when I feel like it crap is no fun for me!  It just doesn't work for me.  So I have a very long list of things that I can do.  I redo that list weekly, and I have to say, that is sometimes the highlight of my week.  I get pretty excited about a brand new to-do list.  That means I will be busy in the coming week, and not watch the clock.

Speaking of watching the clock, one day I looked at the clock and it was 10:03.  Three hours later, I looked at that same clock, and it was only 10:23.  Yup.  It took three hours for that twenty minutes to go by.  This, my friends, is why I stay busy!

I do work 4 hours a day 2-3 days a week.  And I still do Troy's business payroll, invoicing, quotes, etc., but mostly, I stay home, clean, organize, and cook.  And workout.  I have to say, working out multiple times a day some days, is truly keeping me sane!  Whether I run, do virtual barre or other virtual workout classes, I am working out every single day except one.  Usually by Friday, my butt needs a break...and my legs...but mostly my butt.  Have you ever done barre 5 days a week?  Try it.  Your butt will need a break too!

I have found though, that keeping my calendar filled out helps.  Since I normally set my workout, menus, and work schedules on Sundays, I have started doing that now, too.  It does help me.  I feel like I'm on more of a schedule, and that feels normal to me.  And anything that helps me feel normal right now is a help!

New normal...that's what everyone keeps saying.  This is our new normal.  Yes, I guess it is.
So I decided to add something new to my normal.  I kept thinking there had to be something I could do for my friends who are home with their kids and can't go anywhere.  I certainly can't babysit so Mom can get out. So I started recording myself reading books to my Punkin Lily who is almost 17 months old.  She absolutely loved them.  So I did a special one for my Punkin Callen who is 6.  He loved it too!  So that got me thinking.  Why couldn't I do this for anyone to see.  Maybe give Mom a break while the kiddos watched me read a book to them?  So I made my YouTube channel, and got started.  I only have 7 books on there right now, but this is fun, and it gives me something to do.  It gives me purpose.  And I hope my friends will be able to take 5 minutes and go to the bathroom alone, or grab a snack and beverage for themselves.  Or just sit quietly and not have to do anything for those 10 minutes.  I've been there and done that, and while we were not on stay at home orders when my kids were little, I still know what it's like to feel like you have zero time to yourself.

So, there you have it.  My take on the mental health day I have wanted for so long.  It's way overrated!  Totally not what I expected.  But, on a good note, my house has never been so clean and organized.  I'm feeling quite accomplished.  But it's only been three weeks, and it could be another three...or four...or eight.  Who knows?  I do know that once this is over, I will have a new appreciation for a lot of people, and occupations, and a whole new take on what my retirement might look like.

To sum this all up, in the beginning of this, I truly questioned why this was happening to me.  The stress of not getting a paycheck, unemployment taking forever, being "stuck" at home when I wanted to go places, etc., etc.  Then I started learning a little bit about myself.  Then I learned a LOT about myself.  This has been a journey for me.  I am still learning, too.  I don't know what the final lesson is for me.  But I know there definitely is one.  And looking at it as a journey has helped tremendously.  We WILL be okay.  We WILL come out of this stronger!  We are all in this together!  Lean on one another.  Be there for one another.  With today's technology, we can stay connected.  Be creative.  What can you do for your friend, neighbor, relative who is struggling with this?  We can do this friend.  We CAN learn from this.  We are strong if we stick together!  And if I can do anything for anyone, contact me anyway that works for you!  I will do whatever I can to help!

Be safe and well my friends.  Much love to you all!


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