
Showing posts from 2022

Little Debbie, How Are You Still Little??

Tis the season....     For Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes that is. So, every year at this time, Little Debbie attacks us with her seasonal cakes. She sneaks into all the stores and leaves those boxes of Christmas Tree cakes on the shelves in that aisle I never buy anything know, the snack cake section.  I truly never buy anything from that aisle.  I can't or I would be huge.  I have a terrible sweet tooth, and that aisle makes me salivate.  Now, let me break down for you what these cakes are.   *The coating on the outside is a waxy, icky something.  Not sure what it's made of, and don't really want to know!  *The cake is mostly ok. White cake. Kind of plain.  Kind of nondescript.  *The sugar crystals on the top of the cake....SUGAR CRYSTALS. Nothing more needs to be said.  *The cream inside.  O.M.G.  I have no idea why I love these crazy horrible things so much, except that cream inside.  My d...

Lessons From This Morning's Rain

Today hasn't gone as planned...thank you rain. So instead of rucking, I was sitting on my porch feeling cranky after I got some housework done, and then a strange thing happened. I started just listening to the rain and feeling relaxed. I know I don't allow myself much down time. I mean, I have a lot of life to live yet, and I'm not getting any younger. So with working out, rucking, kayaking, and that horrible thing called work, I have to also keep my house clean, laundry done, and do my weekly meal prep. I try to get a good night's sleep because, well, I can't do all that other stuff if I don't allow my body to rest and recover at night.  So sitting on my porch doing absolutely nothing is not something I do a lot. I use my porch a lot, but normally I'm working or doing something productive while I sit there. Today has been just sitting quietly. And let's face facts here, Linda doesn't usually do anything quietly! The past year has been challenging, ...

Let Me Tell You About My Mother-in-Law

  Everyone knows the Mother-In-Law jokes. There are millions of them.  And for some people, those jokes aren't just jokes. They are living those jokes.  Not me.  My Mother-In-Law and I never had any problems with each other.  She was never anything but kind and loving to me.  She always told everyone that she loved me like a daughter.  And she did.  She never treated me any different than she would have treated her own children. Then dementia reared it's ugly head. Even during the worst times with this horrible disease, if I took her hands and stared into her eyes and said "Mom, I love you", she would settle down.  It seemed to bring her "back" to us when I did this.   A while back I wrote another blog post titled "The Wonderful Day" where I described a day out with her with a Dr visit, lunch, prescription pick up, grocery store, and back home. The day started out rocky with her not wanting to take a bath and get her hair washed....