If Mimi Can Do It....

One of my Punkins asked me at breakfast a couple of days ago if I had written another blog post. I said no, that I don't ever write more than one during vacation week. However, something happened that day that changed my mind. But to understand it, let me back up a bit... My family members know that I have a fear of water. I won't put my head under water (except in the shower!), and I won't put myself in any situation where I could drown, because I can't swim. My Dad almost drowned in the Marines, and a very unhealthy fear of water was instilled in us kids growing up. We didn't go near water, and I never learned to swim. I, however, was determined to never do that to my kids, so my boys became great swimmers, and my Punkins are becoming very good swimmers, too! When we arrived here at the lake, the property we rented this year came with two kayaks. Immediately, Jeremy and some of the Punkins jumped in those kayaks, and off th...