If Mimi Can Do It....

One of my Punkins asked me at breakfast a couple of days ago if I had written another blog post.  I said no, that I don't ever write more than one during vacation week.  However, something happened that day that changed my mind.  But to understand it, let me back up a bit...

My family members know that I have a fear of water.  I won't put my head under water (except in the shower!), and I won't put myself in any situation where I could drown, because I can't swim.  My Dad almost drowned in the Marines, and a very unhealthy fear of water was instilled in us kids growing up.  We didn't go near water, and I never learned to swim.  I, however, was determined to never do that to my kids, so my boys became great swimmers, and my Punkins are becoming very good swimmers, too!

When we arrived here at the lake,  the property we rented this year came with two kayaks.  Immediately,  Jeremy and some of the Punkins jumped in those kayaks, and off they went.  Watching them enjoy their "rides" so much, I got to thinking.  I've done so many new things lately in my quest to get fit and become healthy, why not conquer this fear, and get in that kayak?  It's good exercise, and it will be one more thing to mark off my list.  But I watched for a day, then finally, to everyone's surprise (mine included), I boldly walked to the kayak sitting on the dock, and said "I'm going to take this kayak out!"  My granddaughter Emily was absolutely thrilled,  and after making sure (twice) that my PFD was fitting the correct way, and was secure, I very gingerly stepped from the dock ladder into the kayak.  I have to admit that I had a bit of a panicky feeling at first, but after rocking the kayak a bit, I realized it was, indeed, safe and stable.  So off we went.  Feeling myself gliding across the water, enjoying the steady pace and progress, and seeing my beautiful Emily beside me in her kayak, I was indeed hooked.  THIS was awesome!   How had I never done this before?  I feel like I have cheated myself!  But there's no time for negative thinking!   There's a whole lake out there to explore!   And explore I did!  Early mornings,  late evenings, any time of the day.  I kayaked in and out of coves, around an island, up and down the shoreline.  Anyplace and every place I wanted to go.

So back to the reason for this post.   Friday, three of my Punkins who either would not attempt the kayak before, or had started to, and became scared and backed out, all of a sudden decided to try, or give it another try.  And all three were successful.   And I was there alongside each one, gliding through the water, peacefully enjoying God's beauty.  But the conversation I overheard on the dock I will never forget.   One simple statement..... "If Mimi can do it, I can do it!"  It was then that I realized that conquering my fear of water had made quite an impression on my grandchildren!   I always try to be my Punkins' biggest cheerleader, but now I realize it's more than that.  I have the ability to lead by example, be a positive role model, maybe even encourage them to reach new, bigger goals.  This week my Punkins have seen me do yoga (and join me), walk 2 & 3 miles, kayak, eat healthier than I have ever eaten, and even....wait for it....go under water!   Yes, I was jumping from the dock to the floating island, missed and went all the way under.  That's another whole blog post, but the point is that the kids all saw it, and they know I survived it and even laughed about it!  So I hope they realize, regardless of age, anyone can step WAY out of their comfort zone and try...and enjoy....something new and different!  And I want to be there, cheering them on, and just maybe, joining them on a new adventure!


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