The Lake is Calling

If you have read my blog posts for a while, you probably have some idea of what our family vacation at the lake is like.  If you haven't read these particular posts, head over to my main page and check them out!  They will give you a glimpse into our crazy week!

We have been going to the same house on Lake Anna, VA for the past 16 years.  Our first year, we went with my brother and his then wife.  Ryan came to visit since he lived only 45 minutes away, and brought my first Punkin Dalton who had just turned one.  I saw Dalton walk for the first time in that lake house, the first of many monumental occasions, milestones, and memorable moments.  The following year, and every year since, Ryan and family have spent at least a few days, if not the whole week there.  For many years, my parents and Troy's Mom spent part of the week with us, also.  And Jeremy and Brandon have spent time with us as well.  As a matter of fact, Brandon put in his first appearance at just 7 weeks old!  My cousin Crystal joins us every year for a few days, extending it to a full week this year.  Oh the good times.  And yes, we have had some not so good times there, too.  I would be fibbing if I didn't say that!  For instance, last year Ryan was in a wheel chair and spent most of his week on the sofa.  There have been divorces that have caused some tense moments, etc.  We are a normal family, and this "stuff" happens.
But 95% of our time spent there has been incredibly good!  We have made good friends at the lake, people who live there year round, and invite us for "cocktail hour" every year.  We have learned our way around, where the cheapest bait is, where the best pizza is, where the closest grocery store is, etc.  Mostly, we live in swimsuits and pjs.  No real need for clothes.  We are either sleeping, or on the dock.  We avoid having to go out...that involves doing your hair and getting dressed.  Ain't nobody got no time for dat! So this is definitely our Happy Place. was.....

The house we have rented for the past 16 years was sold this past winter, and the new owner is not renting it.  We were all pretty devastated.  This was, as the Punkins called it, Mimi's Lake House!
How could it be gone?  In all fairness, the owner did offer to sell it to us at a very reduced price.  Well, reduced is a relative term.  It IS lakefront property!  But we decided (Ok, I decided...sorry Troy) that the time just wasn't right to purchase vacation property.
So the hunt was on to find a new rental.  My cousin Crystal found us one that suited our needs and was available when we could go.  The price...not real attractive after renting the same house without an increase in the rental fee for the past 16 years.  BUT, it was a better house, and it was available, so we now have a house to go to!  This, hopefully, will be "Mimi's NEW Lake House"!

So with all of that being said, it is now only 6 days until vacation.  And if you know me at all, you know I am already packed!  My bunkroom (the Punkin's room at my house) is full of totes, boxes, suitcases, etc.  Since we don't need many clothes, the suitcases are mostly filled with towels, sheets, etc. I mean, who needs underwear?  We live in swim suits!

Troy has inspected and repaired all fishing gear, and assured me that this is the year of the monster catches!

The menu is made, and of course, so are the spreadsheets!  Spreadsheets, you say?  Haha!  This will come as no surprise to people who work with me, and my family.  I love spreadsheets!  So YES, spreadsheets!  There is one for the menu and who is responsible for making each meal, one for chores (everyone pitches in with clean up and laundry, and it is all outlined on this spreadsheet), and new this year, one for activities.  My granddaughters and I have decided, since my bedroom has a deck overlooking the lake, that we will be doing yoga outside on the deck in the mornings.  And Brandon and Pop have scheduled some early morning fishing.  So, of course, a spreadsheet is necessary to let everyone know what's happening!  Game night is big with us, especially those nights when storms hit and we have to be inside.  So options for games will be on this activity sheet as well!  Last year's stormy nights saw some intense, but hilarious trivia matches!

I have a few things up my sleeve for this year, and we'll see how that goes.
The Punkins are all getting older and it's time for a few changes.  For instance, last year we let the kids handle some of the meals or desserts.  We also added tropical (non alcoholic) drinks for the kids one night, and they loved that, so this year I have plans for more of that.

So with the menu and all the lists made, the packing well underway, and everyone getting super excited, the countdown is now on!  Not sure how I will get through the next six days, but I'll do it!

Is it Saturday yet???


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