Oh, The Sights I've Seen!

Day four of my annual vacation at Lake Anna it occurs to me that I've seen no news.  No network news, no newspaper, or any other news.  This intrigues me a bit.  At home I like to watch the news in the morning, and in the evening.  Why?  It seems to be nothing but bad news.  So that started me thinking about what I have seen this week.  And not one thing has been bad!

I've seen the sun rise over the lake, while sitting on the middle of the lake in a kayak, with my granddaughter Emily sitting in her kayak beside me.  We talked about how, with the sun rising behind clouds, the rays streaked down from under the cloud, and seemed to touch the water.  When the sun finally peaked out, the shimmer on the water looked like millions of diamonds sparkling, welcoming a new day.  As we glided along with the barely audible whisper of our oars hitting the water, we watched a heron soar overhead, watched silent, still fishermen waiting for the bite that would signal their catch, and felt the cool morning breeze drift across us. 

This week I've also seen  beautiful whispy clouds overhead, and a still, early morning lake in front of me while doing yoga with my granddaughters Emily and Taylor. Never will I enjoy yoga more than I have this week.  The relaxation is unparalleled when you have such natural beauty to behold while enjoying your workout!

Other things I've seen this week?  My Punkins laughing, playing in the water, singing, dancing, and cooking.  The bond I've felt this week with my Punkins can never be taken away.  We've made meals together, enjoyed special moments together, and talked about memories from our past years here at the lake.   We've enjoyed the playlist we all contributed to over the awesome sound system on the dock.  We have everything from Zac Brown Band, AC/DC, Sia, Billy Joel, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Pitbull, and Eli Young Band.  I think we have every genre covered!  And Brandon is our DJ....BTB, or Brandon The Bomb. Oh my, do we all love music, and our DJ serves it up for us!

My oldest Punkin Dalton and his girfriend Shelbie, are making dinner tonight.   Shrimp Fettuccini Alfredo,  from scratch.  This warms my heart...and soon my belly!  To see them cooking, knowing they're doing it out of love, makes me so happy!
And right now, sitting on the deck with me is the youngest, Callen, who just turned four.  He's sitting, playing quietly....with no pants on.  Ummm...no, really.  No pants, no underwear.  I can't make this stuff up.  He just walked out, sat down and started playing.   I asked him why he didn't have any underwear on or any pants at all on, and he said cuz I want to! Okay. Who can argue with that?  He's on vacation too!  So while I didn't have that in mind as I sat down to write this, now I've seen that too! 

I just realized that I've said nothing about Lane.  He is newly in love, and has been giving Verizon Wireless a run for it's money this week.  Long distance romances are tough when you're 15!

So, as you can see, I've seen many wonderful, and funny things this week.  Not one has been bad news. 

My motto speaks volumes for the way I live my life, and I hope I instill in my Punkins that life is to be lived, not just tolerated.  For this of you not familiar, here's my motto:

Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving in a pretty and well preserved body.  But rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, Wow!  What a ride!


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