Thoughts & Emotions Of A "Blue" Mom

This blog post should come as no surprise to anyone who knows me. I write about what is bothering me, or what is happening in my life at the present time. And this week, it is all about the Blue Family....Law Enforcement....The Thin Blue Line. I am a very proud LEO (Law Enforcement Officer) Mom. Everyone knows this. I love my Son, and I am very proud of him. He made it to the rank of Lieutenant by the age of 36, while being deployed for 3 full years with the National Guard during his time on the force. He's done well. And with every rank advancement, I am more hopeful that it keeps him in the office more, and off the streets. However, my son is not one to stay in the office. He has gained the respect of his officers by being out on the streets with them, by not asking them to do anything that he isn't willing to do first. He's a cop's cop. Law enforcement work is not new to our family. My brother is a retired offi...