That Magic Number On The Scale

Well folks, the day has arrived.  I have reached my goal of losing 50 pounds.  Yes!  I really did it!
So after the initial euphoria (I admit that I shed a few tears), calling and texting everyone I know, and posting on every social media I have, I have settled down a little bit...just a little bit.  Folks, this has taken me over a year.  I did it very slowly and methodically.  I have totally changed my lifestyle.  I no longer think of it as a dreaded diet.  It is just my new way of eating.  If I eat junk, my body rejects it...literally!  (You don't want an example described here!)  I'm so, so happy I embarked on this journey!

So, now what?  People are already telling me not to lose more.  People are telling me I'm obsessed with working out.  People are telling me to shut up basically.  Of course, people have been telling me to shut up since I started talking.  This is just the newest subject that I like to talk about.

Well, I've given this some thought, and I think now, being at my original goal weight, I will reevaluate the situation, and just keep eating well, working out as much as I dang well please, and keep talking about being healthy.  My friends, there is a LOT of toning that needs to happen after you drop 50 lbs.  That's why I don't post a lot of pictures.  I'm getting more comfortable with pictures, but not a ton of them.  I have talked to several people who have cheered me on this whole time, and I told them I'm not used to posting pictures of myself so frequently, and their response is this:  If it motivates one person to become healthier, it's worth it.  And I have had multiple people tell me that I have inspired them to start their own journey to a healthier lifestyle.  Now, I'm not a fitness expert (soooo far from it!), or a nutritionist, but I have had some success, and over this past year I have learned from my mistakes, and my successes.  I've had my body go into starvation mode.  I know what that feels like, and I know how to fix that.  I know what it feels like to start a workout program and reap the benefits of more energy and better sleep.  I get it.  And I am more than willing to talk to anyone about it.  So yes, if me talking about it or posting pictures of the new me inspires someone, then I think that's awesome!  I'm proud of how far I've come!  I have a long way to go yet...just ask my fitness instructors/trainers!  A LOOOONG way!

I have some people I admire greatly who are proud of me, too.  Those people?  My Sons.  Of course Jeremy is my Drill Sergeant, checking in with me to be sure I'm going to Boot Camp Class, or doing it with me, making sure I'm drinking my protein shake after class, and helping me adjust my calories, carbs, and protein numbers as needed.  He has been so instrumental in me coming this far!  I give him a ton of credit!  And then there is Ryan who encourages from afar.  He even scolds me when he sees pictures and thinks I've lost too much, etc.  (It was seriously just the camera angle!)  He's such a great cheerleader!  I love that he cares so much and wants his old Mom around for awhile.  

Bottom line, I think I'll keep up my running, yoga and boot camp classes, keep up my healthy eating, and enjoy the benefits from doing so.  I've decided it's ok to like the new me, and maybe, just maybe, I'll keep talking about the new me....if anyone wants to listen!


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