Motivation and Determination

I get asked a certain question a lot, and I don't actually know how to answer it. The question is this - what motivated you to start running at this stage of your life? I usually say it's because I needed to lose weight and knew as I got older, it wouldn't get any easier. That really is one reason, but I've come to realize that there is much more to it. Much, much more. It's the feeling of accomplishment, feeling good about yourself, knowing you can do something that not everyone does. I really can't put it into words, but this is how I view running ~~~ I have a love/hate relationship with running. Let's use last night for example...I love when I'm getting my mind ready to run the next morning. I get my clothes out and ready. I watch what I eat that evening to be sure I'm not sluggish, and I try to get to bed early. I love knowing I'll be putting in my miles for my half marathon training, burning calories, and challenging myself. The...